Group of people smiling and embracing the Joy Care trend in beauty products


How Beauty Brands Can Embrace the Joy Care Trend to Enhance Consumer Wellbeing

The global beauty industry is continuously being moulded by evolving consumer preferences and societal shifts. One of the most notable changes in recent years has been the rise of the Joy Care trend, which emerged during the pandemic as people sought tangible, sensory escapes from the digital overload of daily life. Today, Joy Care is not just a trend but a movement, reshaping how beauty brands develop products and interact with consumers

May 15, 2024

2 mins read

Kristal Goodman, Head of Product Innovation, THG LABS

The Genesis of Joy Care

The concept of Joy Care originated during a time of widespread uncertainty and isolation. As people spent more time online, there was a burgeoning desire for real-world experiences that could evoke joy and provide sensory stimulation. Beauty products, traditionally focused on aesthetics, began to incorporate elements that could impact the user's mood and emotional wellbeing.

What is Joy Care?

Joy Care is an approach that integrates sensory touchpoints into beauty products to create a holistic experience that stimulates all the senses. This can include the incorporation of uplifting essential oils for their aromatic benefits, luxurious and comforting textures that make application a pleasure, vibrant colours that delight the visual senses, and packaging designed to reward you when you touch it – even your auditory senses are considered with the satisfying click of a cap. Each element is carefully considered to ensure the final product contributes to the user's overall happiness and wellbeing. 

Consumer Trends Driving Joy Care

Several consumer trends underline the importance of adopting a Joy Care approach in beauty product development:

Emotional Wellbeing:
Modern consumers increasingly view their beauty routines as part of their overall health regimen, seeking products that offer psychological as well as physical benefits.

Authenticity and Personalisation:
Consumers are drawn to brands that authentically address their individual needs and preferences, offering personalised experiences which resonate on a deeper level.

Sustainability and Ethical Responsibility:
There is growing demand for products that are not only effective but also environmentally friendly and ethically produced. Sustainability is no longer a luxury but a necessity, as consumers become more conscious of their ecological footprint.

Our Strategic Approach to Joy Care

As an industry leader in product development, we understand the nuances of the Joy Care trend. Our full-service manufacturing approach involves:

Intentional Ingredient Selection:
We choose ingredients not only for their efficacy but for their ability to enhance mood and offer sensory benefits. For example, the inclusion of CBD and adaptogens in skincare products can promote relaxation, while dopamine-inducing ingredients like caffeine can lift the spirits.

Innovative Formulations:
We focus on developing textures that are beautiful to use, creating a sense of  pleasure on application. The element of surprise is also a consideration for us; this could be, for example a gel-based facial mask which gently warms during massage, before transforming into a milk as you rinse it away.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: 
We design packaging that delights consumers not just visually but also through their tactile and auditory interactions. Our commitment extends to using materials that are recyclable and sourced responsibly to protect the planet.

Partnering for Innovation

Choosing to collaborate with us means brands can leverage our expertise and comprehensive services from initial concept development to final production, ensuring that every step is designed to enrich the lives of consumers through enhanced sensory experiences and emotional wellbeing. If you want to bring the joy to your range, we’d love to explore how we can help: 

About the Author

With over 25 years’ experience in the beauty industry and UK cosmetics manufacturing, Kristal Goodman has cultivated a unique blend of scientific expertise, creative vision, and strategic thinking to spearhead what are recognised as some of the beauty industry’s most much-loved, must-have products.

In her role as the Head of Product Innovation, Kristal’s influence is best demonstrated in THG LABS dedication to pushing boundaries. She is the driving force behind the integration of upcycled ingredients, advanced biotechnology, and other impactful emergent global beauty trends that ensure THG LABS remains at the cutting-edge of beauty innovation. Her knowledge of actives and their benefits is encyclopaedic which fuels her talent for translating ingredient ideas and science into concepts that give each product a formula and a story consumers fall in love with.

A member of THG LABS Eco Leadership Team and a devoted advocate for formulating sustainably, Kristal adopts a holistic approach to product development, believing that truly innovative beauty products are those that address the multifaceted needs of today’s consumers while better respecting the world around us.