"Close-up of flowers and a man’s face to indicate natural skin rewilding trend."


Skin Rewilding – Developing Beauty Products That Seed And Feed The Skin

The beauty industry has moved on from the initial binary approach to the microbiome; it’s no longer simply ‘good’ or ‘bad’ bacteria – we now know it's the delicate balance and rich diversity of our unique microflora that is essential to our skin health. ‘Skin Rewilding’ is a branch of the ‘Dirty Wellness’ trend that counteracts skin concerns triggered by urbanisation, stress and over-cleanliness. 

July 23, 2024

5 mins read

Kristal Goodman, Head of Product Innovation, THG LABS

Drawing Parallels with Environmental Rewilding

Just as rewilding in nature involves restoring natural habitats and allowing ecosystems to thrive, Skin Rewilding focuses on creating a balanced and thriving ecosystem on our skin. Environmental rewilding projects have shown that reintroducing native species and reducing human intervention can promote more resilient and self-sustaining ecosystems. Similarly, by reintroducing beneficial microbes and reducing the use of harsh chemicals on our skin, we can create a happier more resilient skin microbiome.

What is Skin Rewilding?

Skin Rewilding focuses on restoring the skin’s natural microbial balance by fostering a diverse and healthy microbiome. Modern urban lifestyles, excessive hygiene practices, over use of AHAs and environmental stressors have significantly disrupted our skin’s natural ecosystem. Skin Rewilding seeks to counter these effects by reintroducing and nurturing beneficial microorganisms on the skin, akin to rewilding nature by reintroducing native species to restore ecological balance.

Skin Rewilding draws on the concept of rewilding in nature; the process of protecting an environment and returning it to its natural state. In this area of product development, we are encouraging the natural biodiversity on our skin to renew protection.

The Science Behind Skin Rewilding

The skin microbiome is composed of a complex colony of microorganisms that play a crucial role in maintaining skin health. Disruptions in this microbial community can lead to various skin issues such as eczema, acne, and increased sensitivity. Research has shown that maintaining a balanced microbiome is essential for a robust skin barrier and overall skin health.

By incorporating prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics into skincare formulations, we can feed and support beneficial bacteria, enhancing the skin’s natural defences. Prebiotics act as food for these microbes, while probiotics introduce live beneficial bacteria, and postbiotics include favourable compounds produced by these bacteria  This approach aligns with the industry's move from viewing the microbiome as simply 'good' or 'bad' bacteria to understanding the delicate balance and diversity of our unique microflora.

The parallels between environmental rewilding and Skin Rewilding are profound. Both practices emphasise the importance of diversity, balance, and natural processes in maintaining health and resilience. By drawing inspiration from these ecological principles, Skin Rewilding promotes a holistic approach to skincare that respects and nurtures the skin's natural ecosystem.

Market Trends and Opportunities

The Skin Rewilding movement is supported by healthy market growth. According to recent data, the skin microbiome sector has experienced a 20.3% year-over-year growth, with a predicted 11.5% growth in the next 12 months (Source: Spate US Market). This growth is driven by increasing consumer awareness and demand for natural and holistic skincare solutions.

China is leading the way with the majority of granted patents for skin microbiome products (14% of all global patent grants), followed by the US (10%), South Korea (9%), France (7%), and Japan (6%). This indicates a global recognition and investment in microbiome-focused skincare (Source: Mintel).

 Trends in Skin Rewilding

  1.  Barrier Repair and Simplified Routines: The trend towards minimalist skincare routines that prioritise barrier health is growing
  2.  Forest Bathing: The science behind the benefits of forest bathing suggests the diverse microflora in these environments both challenges and supports a healthy immune system and microbiome
  3. ‘Dirty Wellness’: using muds, clays and specific biotic actives helps to rewild the skin and support our microbiome diversity
  4.  Respectful Cleansing: Using oils, balms and mild, pH balanced cleansers will help to respect the microbiome and its recovery post-cleansing 

How We Can Help Beauty Brands Embrace Skin Rewilding in Product Development 

For beauty brands, incorporating Skin Rewilding principles into product development offers a unique opportunity to stand out in a competitive market. 

Our chemists and cosmetic scientists create formulations that respect the pH of the skin and its natural eco-system by selecting non-disruptive ingredients, balance-boosting prebiotics and postbiotic ingredients that help nourish and support a diverse microbiome.​​

Cosmetic claims relating to the microbiome is a challenging area. THG LABS highly experienced Regulatory team are well-equipped to support and guide your product development, with 12 team members and collective experience of over 80 years in the beauty industry. Equipped to navigate the complexities of microbiome product claims, we ensure your products are safe, meet industry standards and deliver on their promises while also aligning with the specific compliance requirements of the country and regions you want to trade in. 

If you’re interested in exploring how the concept of Skin Rewilding can enhance your product lineup, please get in touch – we’d love to help you. 

About the Author

With over 25 years’ experience in the beauty industry and UK cosmetics manufacturing, Kristal Goodman has cultivated a unique blend of scientific expertise, creative vision, and strategic thinking to spearhead what are recognised as some of the beauty industry’s most much-loved, must-have products. 

In her role as the Head of Product Innovation, Kristal’s influence is best demonstrated in THG LABS dedication to pushing boundaries. She is the driving force behind the integration of upcycled ingredients, advanced biotechnology, and other impactful emergent global beauty trends that ensure THG LABS remains at the cutting-edge of beauty innovation. Her knowledge of actives and their benefits is encyclopaedic which fuels her talent for translating ingredient ideas and science into concepts that give each product a formula and a story consumers fall in love with. 

A member of THG LABS Eco Leadership Team and a devoted advocate for formulating sustainably, Kristal adopts a holistic approach to product development, believing that truly innovative beauty products are those that address the multifaceted needs of today’s consumers while better respecting the world around us.