"Close-up of mushrooms used in sustainable beauty product formulations at THG Labs."


The Power of Mushrooms in Beauty: The Rise, Benefits, and Sustainability of Fungi in Personal Care Products and Packaging

Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast or a beauty brand, now is the time to embrace the mushroom movement. The next wave of beauty innovation is here, and it’s rooted in the power of fungi—beneficial for your skin, the planet, and how products can be packaged.

August 22, 2024

5 mins read

In recent years, mushrooms have stepped into the beauty industry spotlight, moving from the kitchen table to become ingredient heroes on the lab benches of our Innovation and R&D teams. Here at THG LABS we see this integration into beauty products not as a passing fad but rooted in science, tradition, and a growing awareness of how we can fully harness the potential of natural, sustainable ingredients.

Underscoring the versatility and widespread use of mushrooms in various industries, including beauty, THG LABS Product Innovation Manager, Aurelie Brunel, has been tracking their growth for some time. "Mushrooms are sporing in every product category to fulfil modern demands around sustainability and wellbeing. From coffee to concrete, packaging to clothing, and from supplements to skincare, fungi are everywhere."

In this blog, Aurelie explores why mushrooms are becoming such a powerhouse in beauty: the benefits they bring, the reasons behind their soaring popularity, and the significant sustainability advantages they offer both beauty products and packaging.

The Science of Mushrooms: Their Beauty Benefits

Mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, particularly in Asia, where they’ve long been revered for their health-boosting properties. Today, these fungi are being rediscovered by the beauty industry for their unique benefits to skin health.

  • Adaptogenic Properties: Mushrooms like Reishi, Chaga, and Cordyceps are known as adaptogens, which means they help the body resist stressors of many kinds, whether physical, chemical, or biological. In skincare, adaptogens can help protect the skin from environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation, which are major contributors to premature aging.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Inflammation is a common underlying cause of many skin issues, from acne to aging. Mushrooms such as Reishi and Tremella have potent anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to soothe irritation, reduce redness, and help the skin recover from damage.
  • Antioxidant Richness: Many mushrooms are packed with antioxidants, which combat free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage to the skin. For example, Chaga mushrooms are rich in polyphenols, which can help protect the skin from environmental damage and support a more youthful-looking complexion.
  •  Hydration and Moisture Retention: The Tremella mushroom, often referred to as the "beauty mushroom" or snow fungus, is especially noted for its hydrating properties. It has a remarkable ability to retain water making it an excellent ingredient for moisturising and plumping the skin. In some studies, it has been shown to outperform hyaluronic acid for skin hydration.
  • Brightening and Even Skin Tone: Shiitake mushrooms contain kojic acid, a natural compound known for its skin-brightening effects. Kojic acid can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation, helping to give a more even looking skin tone.

Behind the Trend: Why Mushrooms Are Gaining Popularity

The rise of mushrooms in beauty products isn’t just about their efficacy — it’s also about the broader trends shaping consumer preferences today.

  • Natural and Sustainable Ingredients: Modern consumers are increasingly seeking out products that are natural, sustainable, and ethically sourced. Mushrooms fit perfectly into this narrative. They are renewable, require minimal resources to grow, and offer a natural alternative to other synthetic ingredients that can be harsh on the skin and the environment.
  • Wellness and Holistic Beauty: The beauty industry has seen a shift towards a more holistic approach, where wellness and beauty are intertwined. Mushrooms, with their rich heritage in traditional medicine and wellness practices, align well with this holistic beauty philosophy. Consumers are drawn to the idea that what they put on their skin can also benefit their overall health. 
  • Scientific Backing and Tradition: While mushrooms are deeply rooted in traditional medicine, their use in skincare is increasingly supported by scientific research. This blend of ancient wisdom and modern science resonates with consumers who are looking for products that are both effective and backed by evidence. 
  • The “Skinimalism” Movement: The growing trend of “skinimalism”— where less is more in skincare — has also played a role in the popularity of mushrooms. Consumers are seeking multi-functional products that streamline their routines without compromising on results. Mushrooms, with their wide range of benefits, fit perfectly into this minimalist yet effective approach to skincare.

Why Mushrooms Are a Sustainable Choice for Beauty

Beyond their impressive skincare benefits, mushrooms offer remarkable sustainability advantages that align with the growing industry demand for eco-friendly beauty products. Here’s why mushrooms are a marvel:

  • Low Environmental Footprint: Mushrooms are among the most sustainable crops to cultivate. They require minimal water, energy, and space compared to traditional crops. Mushrooms can be grown indoors, in vertical farms, or in controlled environments, reducing the need for large swathes of land and helping to prevent deforestation.
  •  Energy-Efficient Growth: Unlike many crops that require high levels of energy for lighting and climate control, mushrooms can grow in low-light conditions and do not require extreme temperatures. This reduces the energy demands associated with their cultivation, making them a more sustainable option compared to energy-intensive agricultural practices.
  • Biodegradability and Minimal Waste: The cultivation of mushrooms generates very little waste, and any byproducts are often biodegradable. For example, mushroom farming produces organic waste that can be repurposed as compost or bio-based packaging, contributing to a circular economy and reducing the overall environmental impact.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Certain mushrooms play a crucial role in carbon sequestration. They form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, helping to store carbon in the soil and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: Mushrooms used in skincare can be wild-harvested or cultivated through sustainable farming practices. This helps to preserve natural ecosystems and ensures that the mushrooms are sourced responsibly, with minimal impact on biodiversity.
  • Natural Preservation and Formulation Benefits: Mushrooms possess natural antimicrobial properties, which can reduce the need for synthetic preservatives in beauty formulations.

Mushrooms in Packaging: A Game-Changer for Sustainability

The sustainability benefits of mushrooms extend beyond their role in skincare ingredients—they are also revolutionising the world of packaging. As the beauty industry grapples with the environmental impact of plastic waste, mushroom-based packaging offers a compelling alternative that aligns with the values of eco-conscious brands and their consumers.

  • Mushroom-Based Packaging: The innovative use of mushrooms in packaging, particularly through mycelium (the root structure of fungi), has the ability to transform how products are packaged. Mycelium can be grown into various shapes and forms, creating a sturdy, biodegradable material and works as an excellent alternative to plastic and Styrofoam. This material is fully compostable, breaking down naturally without leaving harmful residues in the environment.
  • Reducing Plastic Waste: Traditional plastic packaging is a significant contributor to global pollution, with vast volumes ending up in landfills and oceans each year. By shifting to mushroom-based packaging, beauty brands can reduce their reliance on plastic, helping to mitigate the industry's environmental impact.
  • Energy-Efficient Production: The production of mycelium-based packaging is energy-efficient and requires fewer resources compared to traditional plastic manufacturing. Mushrooms can grow on agricultural waste, such as sawdust or corn husks, transforming these low-value byproducts into high-value materials. This process not only reduces waste but also supports sustainable agriculture by creating a use for crop residues.
  • Versatility and Customisation: Mycelium packaging is highly versatile and can be moulded into a variety of shapes and sizes, making it suitable for different types of beauty products. Whether it’s used to create protective packaging for glass bottles or as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional packaging materials, mycelium offers endless possibilities for innovation.
  • Consumer Appeal: As consumers become more environmentally conscious, they are increasingly drawn to brands that prioritise sustainability in both product formulation and packaging. Using mushroom-based packaging allows brands to differentiate themselves in a crowded market and appeal to consumers who value more eco-friendly choices.

The Future of Mushrooms in Beauty and Packaging

As research continues to unveil new benefits and applications, we can expect to see these fungi featured in a wider range of beauty formulas and sustainable packaging solutions for beauty. At THG LABS, we’re particularly excited about the potential for innovation in this space. We’re exploring new ways to harness the power of mushrooms, not only by leveraging their well-known benefits but also by combining them with other cutting-edge ingredients and packaging technologies to create products that offer even greater efficacy and sustainability.

If you’re a beauty brand that’s keen to explore how THG LABS can support with product development or manufacturing, please get in touch.